A beautiful, intelligent cat, the Colorpoint Shorthair is a cat of physical extremes from her angular head and tall ears to her glossy coat.

The Colorpoint Shorthair is very smart and can be trained to do many things but also has a mind of her own.
Weight range:
Male: medium: 8-12 lbs.
Female: small: <8 lbs.
Eye color:
Longevity Range: 8-12 yrs.
Social/Attention Needs: Low, Moderate
Tendency to Shed: Low
Length: Short
Characteristics: Smooth
Colors: Red, Cream, Seal, Chocolate, Blue, Lilac, Bluecream, Lilac Cream
Pattern: Tabby, Points
Less Allergenic: No
Overall Grooming Needs: Low
Club recognition:
Cat Association Recognition:
Prevalence: So-so
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a long, elegant cat. The body, neck, legs and tail are long. She is medium sized, but nicely muscled, even more so than the Siamese.
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a cat of extremes. The head is a long triangle, and the tall ears are a continuation of the triangle. The nose is long and straight. The legs are long and slender. The long tail tapers to a point. The bright blue eyes are almond shaped.
Her coat is short, glossy and lies close to the body. The beauty of the Colorpoint is obvious in the look of the blue eyes, the slender muscled body and the contrast between the light body color and the darker extremities. This contrast is called "color restriction" or, more commonly, "pointing." The color of the fur on the ears, tail and feet is significantly different than the body, and this darker color on the extremities gradually blends into the lighter color of the body. The face shows a "mask" of the same deeper point color. This mask covers the face, surrounding the eyes and covering the whisker pads. This mask is smaller in a kitten and gradually increases as she grows older.
In the Colorpoint Shorthair, unlike most Siamese, the points may show evidence of tabby striping as well as tortoiseshell patterns limited to the points.
The Colorpoint Shorthair cat is not only beautiful but also highly intelligent. While she may not be quite as intelligent as a Siamese, she can be trained to do many things. This does not mean, however, that it can be trained to do everything a parent might wish. Like most other highly intelligent breeds, the Colorpoint Shorthair has her own desires.
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a very affectionate cat and wants her parent to be as dedicated to her as she is to her parent. The parent must be affectionate to the Colorpoint, and some time should be spent playing with her every day.
Living With:
With her long, muscular body, the Colorpoint shorthair can show a potbelly even after indulging in only one day of over-eating. The nutrition must be carefully controlled for this breed. The long, slim legs are not made to hold a fat body.
Colorpoint Shorthairs are great jumpers and love heights. Perches and cat trees should be provided. Colorpoints love to play and appreciate toys around the house for their pleasure. While the coat needs little care, a Colorpoint associates brushing with affection and will enjoy spending time being groomed by her parent.
The Colorpoint Shorthair, as elegant as she looks, can be quite a lap cat. She is extremely affectionate and will sleep next to her parent in the parent's bed.
The Colorpoint Shorthair is a combination of the Siamese and other Shorthaired cats, primarily the American Shorthair. This combination resulted in a cat with the pointing of the Siamese, but with colors not allowed in the Siamese cat. In addition, the body of the breed, while similar in appearance to that of the Siamese, is more muscular although the bones remain fine.